Who are the Officers and what do they do

Junior Leader officers help lead other Junior Leaders. There are six different officer positions. Each officer position does a different job at each event.

  • The president usually leads in the 4-H pledge and starts off the meeting.

  • The vice presidents sub in for the president if he or she is not there.

  • The activity planners plan fun activities for the Junior Leaders to do at meetings.

  • The historian takes pictures of Junior Leaders helping and having fun at events.

  • The treasurer keeps track of all of the money made and spent for Junior Leaders.

  • The secretary takes notes at all of the Junior Leader meetings.

Our current Junior Leader Officers:

Colby Phillips

Colby is our president. This is her 10th year in 4-H and her 6th year as a Junior Leader.

Adele Kline

Adele is one of our vice presidents. This is her 7th year in 4-H and her 2nd year as a Junior Leader.

Noah Riedel

Noah is our other vice president. This is his 9th year in 4-H and his 4th year as a Junior Leader.

Madison Walkup

Madison is our treasurer. This is her 6th year in 4-H and her 1st year as a Junior Leader.

Wren Driscol

Wren is our secretary. This is her 8th year in 4-H and her 2nd year as a Junior Leader.

Philamena Gillan

Philamena is one of our activity planners. This is her 7th year in 4-H and her 1st year as a Junior Leader.

Reagan Walkup

Reagan is our other activity planner. This is her 5th year in 4-H and her 1st year as a Junior Leader.

Isabelle Seliger

I'm Isabelle! I am the Historian for Junior Leaders. This is my 5th year in 4-H. This is my 1st year as a Junior Leader and Historian. I am going into 8th grade at Battle Ground Middle School. I'm looking forward to my first completion trip as a Junior Leader!