Who are the Officers and what do they do
Junior Leader officers help lead other Junior Leaders. There are six different officer positions. Each officer position does a different job at each event.
The president usually leads in the 4-H pledge and starts off the meeting.
The vice presidents sub in for the president if he or she is not there.
The activity planners plan fun activities for the Junior Leaders to do at meetings.
The historian takes pictures of Junior Leaders helping and having fun at events.
The treasurer keeps track of all of the money made and spent for Junior Leaders.
The secretary takes notes at all of the Junior Leader meetings.
Our current Junior Leader Officers:
Colby Phillips

Colby is our president. This is her 10th year in 4-H and her 6th year as a Junior Leader.
Adele Kline

Adele is one of our vice presidents. This is her 7th year in 4-H and her 2nd year as a Junior Leader.
Noah Riedel

Noah is our other vice president. This is his 9th year in 4-H and his 4th year as a Junior Leader.
Madison Walkup

Madison is our treasurer. This is her 6th year in 4-H and her 1st year as a Junior Leader.
Wren Driscol

Wren is our secretary. This is her 8th year in 4-H and her 2nd year as a Junior Leader.
Philamena Gillan

Philamena is one of our activity planners. This is her 7th year in 4-H and her 1st year as a Junior Leader.
Reagan Walkup

Reagan is our other activity planner. This is her 5th year in 4-H and her 1st year as a Junior Leader.
Isabelle Seliger

I'm Isabelle! I am the Historian for Junior Leaders. This is my 5th year in 4-H. This is my 1st year as a Junior Leader and Historian. I am going into 8th grade at Battle Ground Middle School. I'm looking forward to my first completion trip as a Junior Leader!