What Junior Leaders do

  • Junior Leaders is one of the projects in 4-H. Junior Leaders are experienced 4-H’ers that help around the community.

  • To join, you have to be in 7th through 12th grade. You also have to be an active 4-H member. Junior Leaders help out in the community and around the fair. Junior Leaders help younger 4-H’ers by demonstrating projects at demo nights.

  • Junior Leaders also have monthly meetings. Junior Leaders all say the pledge and discuss up-coming events. It is important for Junior Leaders to attend most of the meetings so they don’t miss important information.

  • Junior Leaders help out in the community as well as around the fair. Junior Leaders can sign up for different shifts at the fair, such as the pop stand and checking in projects. Junior Leaders can also judge Mini 4-H projects.

Reward System

Junior Leaders isn’t just about helping the community, it’s also about having fun! To make sure Junior Leaders have fun, there is a point system. You can get points by helping in different ways. Junior Leaders can get points from going to Junior Leader events. If Junior Leaders get 100 points, they get to go on a completion trip and get to spend a day having fun and hanging out with their friends. Junior Leaders get to go to fun places and eat out for either lunch or dinner. This year, the Junior Leaders went to Top Golf, Climb Time, and a Japanese restaurant for dinner.

2021 Completion Trip: Climb Time

2021 Completion Trip: Top Golf